Pre-conferencia Santiago +5

Pre-conference Santiago +5 against
Racism, the Xenophobia, the Discrimination and the Intolerancia

With the participation of 150 representing delegates of Towns and Civil Society and 100 delegates of Governments and International Organisms, from the 10 to the 12 of August of 2005 the Pre-conference Santiago +5 was made in Santiago of Chile

Between the participant countries we have: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Barbados, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican, Ecuador, El Salvador, the United States, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Santa Lucia, San Vicente and the Granadinas, St. Kitts and Nevis, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Objectives of the Pre-conference:
To contribute decisively to the “Santiago+5 Process” of Pursuit of III the CMCR (It knows history the pre-conference) and of the Plan of Action approved in the Conference of the Américas (Santiago, December, 2000), to update a Regional Agenda against Racism, the Xenophobia, the Discrimination and the Intolerancia.

1. To favor the creation and fortification of governmental instances of the region that impel policies of racial fairness and defense of the rights of the towns.

2. To evaluate the degree of fulfillment of the commitments subscribed by the governments in December 2000, and to project policies national and regional, as well as measured and plans of action, against racism, the discrimination, the xenophobia and the intolerancia.

3. To harness dynamic the organizational levels and of identitaria affirmation of movements and representative organizations of the indigenous, afrodescendientes and migrantes towns.

4. To impel the agenda of fight against the racism of the organizations of human rights of the region and other organisms of civil society that tie the respect to the diversity with the pluralista democracy.

5. To prepare cultural the programmatic conditions and political of the encounter summit of “Santiago+5” in Brazil.

To all of them we can say… fulfilled mission.

To see the Final Letter of the Pre-conference Santiago +5

To see Marco the Preparatory Document of the Pre-conference Santiago +5

It listens to the interventions of:
Oswaldo Bilbao (CEDET - PERU)
Carlos López
Manuela Reyes (MNAFC - PERU) Conclusions of the Commission Woman
Tarcila Rivera (CHIRAPAQ - PERU)

To see photos



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