Micaela Bastidas | Source: http://dc.inictel.gob.pe/proyectoteleed/historia/amaru.htm | . |
![]() The town of Pampamarca, cradle of Micaela Bastidas. |
Josefa Puyucahua, (mother of Micaela) entered relations with Manuel Bastidas, descendant of African, and of this natural union a girl was born that baptized Micaela Bastidas Puyucahua. The birth happened in Pampamarca per 1742. Of its childhood we do not know anything. It had to grow next to its parents and of their brothers Antonio and Miguel, also of their maternal uncles.
Nothing else it can say, unless the girl became woman and this saw Parnpamarca it. It had distinguished bearing and somewhat strange beauty: he was esbelta of neck, in the Mountain range infrequent thing, indicating a testimony of dieciochesca inspiration that was “remarkable woman by its hermosura”. We intuited that its beauty was not strictly Andean, but that also influenced its African blood. Not in vain, years later, their enemies talked about to her motejando it of “zamba”. In any case she was beautiful, of common energy and personality not at all accused. He would not be twenty years old when he tried Jose Gabriel. Formalized the situation, Micaela happened with its parents to Surimana, who begin to appear like “Spaniards of this town”, and Manuel Bastidas to put in front a “Don” to its name. It is presumed that the young curaca gave facilities to its future fathers-in-law to lay the foundations itself in the place, because otherwise they would have continued residing in Pampamarca. The wedding took place in the church of the town of Our Lady of the Purification of Surimana, in the altar greater than still it exists, the 25 of May of 1760. The marriage was of Spaniards from the social angle, was Indian from the curacal angle and was racially mixed from the racial angle, but, over everything, the Christian marriage Don Jose Gabriel and Micaela was called to become an historical marriage. It called to him affection. From the married union of Jose Gabriel and Micaela three children came to the world: Hipólito, the first-born, born in Surimana in 1761. Mariano, whom the light in Tungasuca saw of 1762 Fernando and the 17 September, born also in Tungasuca in 1768.